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Erasmus Plus

"The European Framework of Competences for Professionals Working in a Gang Environment - FrameGang"
Co-funded by the Erasmus Plus Programme of the European Union.
- Project description
- Project Website:
- Facebook Page
- Kick-off project meeting in Portugal: 13-14 October 2015
- DACUM Workshop for school counselors: 21 March 2016 | Pictures
- 2nd Project metting in Kaunas (Lituania): 3-4 May 2016
- DACUM Workshop for social workers: 27 May 2016
Invitation | Programme | Booking Form - 19-24 September 2016: FrameGang Erasmus Plus Project meeting in Kaunas, Lituania
- December 2017: Final Report for the Erasmus Plus project "The European Framework of Competences for Professionals Working in a Gang Environment - FrameGang"
- 19-24 February 2018, Estoril, Portugal: 2nd Training Metting of Erasmus Plus FrameGang Project
- 24 February 2016: Dissemination presentation of FrameGang desk/field research, "Adult Education Competences in Penitentiary Contexts", Timișoara
- 3-4 May 2018: FrameGang Last Project Meeting, Sassari, Sardinia
- 18-19 May 2018: Dissemination workshop EFC - FrameGang, Euro-regional Symposium: Perspectives in Education, "David Voniga" High School Giroc, Timiș.