Calea Martirilor Nr. 104, Timisoara,
Timiş, 300774, Romania
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Relaţii cu publicul, Biblioteca:
Marți, Miercuri, Joi: 16:00-
Articole și publicații
Publicaţii ale staff-
Ileana Carmen Rogobete: „Reconstructing Trauma and Meaning: Life Narratives of Survivors of Political Violence during Apartheid in South Africa”. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015.
Alexandru Neagoe: „Credință și societate -
Silviu Eugen Rogobete: „Drepturile omului -
Ileana Rogobete, Alexandru Neagoe (Editors): „Contemporary Issues Facing Families” -
Alexandru Neagoe (Editor): „Counselling and Spirituality in the Helping Professions” -
Alexandru Neagoe (Editor): „Values and Spirituality in Social Work Practice” -
Alexandru Neagoe, Heleen Zorgdrager (Editors): „Postmodernity -
Alexandru Neagoe: „Asistența socială a familiei -
Alexandru Neagoe, Ileana Radu (Editors): „Continuities and Discontinuities in a Time of Change. Family Therapy and Systemic Practice”, Papers presented at The Second International Conference on Family Therapy and Systemic Practice, 23-
Peter C.A. Morée, Alexandru Neagoe (Editors): „Faces of Diaconia. Towards a Christian Understanding of Social Services”, Papers from the Consultation of Churches and Theological Faculties of Central Europe and the Netherlands on „Diaconia, Concepts and Practice”, 4 to 8 July 2005 in Buzău, Romania; Kerkinactie -
Silviu Eugen Rogobete, Andrew Otchie (Editors): „Ethnic and religious diversity in Europe: A collection of texts from the 1st ECPM Congress.”; ECPM, Amersfoort, 2006.
Silvo Devetak, Olesea Sirbu, Silviu Rogobete (Editors): „Religion and Democracy in Moldova / Religie și democrație în Moldova”, Maribor-
Silviu Rogobete: 'Moralitate şi Tradiţie în Ţările Ortodoxe Postcomuniste: Despre Universalitatea Drepturilor Omului, cu Referire în Special la România' -
Silviu Rogobete: "The Unfinished Odyssey of a New 'Law for the General Regime of Religion' in a South East European Country: The Romanian Case". -
Silviu Rogobete: O ontologie a iubirii, Editura POLIROM, Iasi, 2001;
Silviu Rogobete; "Religie şi schimbare socială. Câteva reflecţii asupra rolului religiei în societatea contemporană", în Pentru o democraţie a valorilor: strategii de comunicare religioasă într-
Silviu Rogobete; "Mystical Existentialism Or Communitarian Participation? Vladimir Losski and Dumitru Stăniloae" în Dumitru Staniloae. Tradition and Modernity in Theology, Turcescu L., Editor, The Center for Romanian Studies, Oxford UK and Portland US, 2002
Silviu Rogobete; REPORT: Democracy and Religion -
Alex Neagoe, The Trial of the Gospel: An Apologetic Reading of Luke's Trial Narratives, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK 2002.
Robert Lazu, Farmecul discret al teologiei, Editura Dacia, Cluj-
Robert Lazu, Corneliu Mircea (coordonatori), Orizontul sacru, Polirom, Iaşi, 1998.
Silviu Eugen Rogobete: „Subject and Supreme Personal Reality in the Theological Thought of Fr. Dumitru Stăniloae. An ontology of love”. A thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Brunel University, November 1997.
Silviu Eugen Rogobete: „Mystical existentialism or communitarian participation? Two alternatives from the Orthodox tradition.” London Bible College, London, 1996.
Participări recente la conferinţe internaţionale:
"European Integration and the Question of Values. Issues Facing Joining Countries", Key-
"Religion and Social Change. Some reflections on the Role of Religion in Contemporary Romania", Seminarul international Pour une democratie des valeurs. Les strategies de la communication religieuse dans une societe pluraliste, Bucureşti, Institutul Ludwig Boltzmann pentru Studiul Problematicii Religioase a Integrării Europene, New Europe College, 30 noe -
"Ethics and the Protection of the Poor in Romania." Innovative Integration, Lord Chacellor's Residence, Parlamentul Marii Britanii, Westminster, Londra, 14 noembrie 2001 (dr. Silviu Rogobete)
Publicaţii Internet
Andrew A. LaBreche -
Gina Bulica -
Ileana Rogobete -
Hendrie Van Maanen -
Ivan Cosmin -
The Rapture Follies: Kinda Like the End of the World Only Funnier, O nuvelă de Scott Garber, Co-